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At Retirement

It can be difficult to understand your options at retirement. In this section, we have explained some common retirement options in plain simple language. This information is intended only as guidance. For advice on your specific circumstances, please get in touch.

Enhanced Annuities

Enhanced Annuities

An Enhanced Annuity pays a higher income in retirement if you have a medical condition that may reduce your life expectancy.

Income Drawdown

Income Drawdown

Income Drawdown is a more flexible alternative to the traditional annuity route, offering greater choice and control for many people.

Your Retirement options

Your Retirement options

On 6 April 2015 new pension rules came into force, giving you much greater flexibility over how you use your pension savings and the options you have in retirement.

UK News

The cost of a new fixed mortgage has risen in recent days, defying many homeowners' hopes and expectations.
Events this week show that Brexit will keep rearing its head, writes economics editor John Campbell.
As the electric carmaker sees sales fall and cuts jobs, we take a closer look at its problems.
Dozens of jobseekers tell the BBC about their worst-ever interview experiences.
Traders suffer a case of déjà-vu as any savings are wiped out with a new currency called the Zig.